
Banolata Sweets & Bakery

a renowned name in Bangladesh



Welcome to Banolata Sweets & Bakery, where the art of crafting delectable sweets and bakery delights has been perfected over generations. We are a renowned name in Bangladesh, cherished for our commitment to culinary excellence and the creation of mouthwatering confections.Banolata Sweets & Bakery is not just a shop; it's a legacy. With a heritage that spans decades, our brand has become synonymous with the sweet traditions of Bangladesh. We proudly carry forward the culinary wisdom passed down through generations.Our journey began with a vision to offer sweets and bakery items that transcend the ordinary. Every day, we pour our hearts into perfecting our recipes, selecting the finest ingredients, and delivering a taste that ignites nostalgia and creates new memories.

Certified by
Bangladesh Safe Food Authority

Maintaining a healthy environment
A Grade
A+ Grade


At Banolata Sweets & Bakery, our mission is to create moments of pure delight and to become the sweet companion of life's celebrations. We are dedicated to crafting authentic Bengali sweets and delectable bakery items that evoke cherished memories and introduce new flavors to your palate. We aim to uphold our heritage while embracing innovation, ensuring that every bite from Banolata is a journey through time and tradition. Our commitment to quality, freshness, and sustainability is unwavering as we continue to serve our customers with love and devotion.


Our vision at Banolata Sweets & Bakery is to be the foremost purveyor of sweet experiences, not just in Bangladesh but around the world. We aspire to redefine the world of sweets and bakery items by infusing creativity and tradition. We envision a future where every customer's celebration is made sweeter with our creations. We seek to expand our sustainable practices and to continuously surprise and delight our patrons with new offerings. Our vision is to become synonymous with quality, trust, and the pure joy of indulgence, one sweet moment at a time.